Part 2 Topic: Effective School Programs Sometimes students need to have their needs met in a self-contained program designed for students identified with emotional and behavior disturbances under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). As a teacher, it is important to understand the components of an effective program, as well as how to review a program to determine its effectiveness. Identify three of the twelve components of an effective program that you believe should be top priorities in a self-contained program in a school where you would likely teach. Provide a rationale for each of the components you selected and explain how they would support the needs of students with EBD in a self-contained classroom. Identify 1–2 components of support programs that you understand and would be comfortable assessing in a program review at your school. On the flip side, identify 1–2 components that you would need to learn more about before you would be able to participate in program review. Part 3 Personal Philosophy For this assignment, complete the following in an MS Word document: Review the personal philosophy of teaching students with EBD that you wrote in Unit 1. Based on what you have learned throughout the course about teaching these students and preparing them to become self-directed learners, revise your personal philosophy to include research-based strategies.