You will explore the potential benefits and concerns associated with companion robots designed for the elderly, particularly for healthcare management. You will study various companion robots for older adults, investigate their advantages and risks, and propose recommendations for designing a perfect companion robot for the elderly. Your recommendations should amplify benefits, minimize challenges, and include strategies for marketing the proposed companion robots to the elderly.
Your task is to identify and scrutinize the utility of various companion robots for older adults. This investigation process should involve an exhaustive review of currently available technologies, their functionalities, and their impacts on the elderly population’s quality of life
Using the following and the information in the file attached:
– Robot for patient’s with dementia
– Robot will have a screen as a face design with different expressions of emotions
– Robot will be big
– Robot will have a set price plus a yearly subscription rate based on the dementia level
– This Robot will help with medication, lifting patient assistance, location services, and interactive conversation
– This robot will send an alert to family member if patient leaves the home location
– Budget for this robot is $30,000-35,000 plus annual subscription
Study Various Companion Robots for Patients with Dementia
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Instructor’s Name
Study Various Companion Robots for Patients with Dementia
Care robots for dementia patients are a promising way to provide support and companionship. PARO, a robotic seal; MARIO, a robot that helps patients with life review therapy and cognitive tasks; and JustoCat, a robotic cat that purrs meows, and imitates company, are examples. These autonomy systems are programmed to meet dementia users’ needs by using simple interfaces, colors, and touch sensations. Sensors capture the user’s motions and feelings to improve the video gaming experience. PARO has been shown to reduce stress, agitation, and loneliness in dementia patients (Wang et al., 2021). Touch, light, sound, heat, and balance sensors let it feel, see, hear, sense temperature, and even the user’s position, allowing it to learn user preferences. Conversely, MARIO uses facial recognition, NLP, and machine learning to communicate with patients and give quizzes and games. Playing music, showing images, and making family video chats can lessen loneliness and make people happy. JustoCat, who lies and acts like a cat, comforts people who cannot bond with humans (Koh et al., 2020). Understanding these traits, applications, and implications of dementia-specific companion robots helps future robot caregivers better serve this group and advance their service to the elderly with dementia.
Investigate Potential Benefits, Advantages, Risks, and Concerns:
Companion robots in dementia care provide the following benefits and advantages. First, these robots can keep patients intellectually active and engaged, preventing or slowing dementia, especially Alzheimer’s patients. They can include memory games, singing, and storytelling to improve mood, conduct, and health. For instance, MARIO’s remembrance therapy reminds patients of past experiences, which can help stimulate memory and provide comfort. Second, dementia patients may benefit from companion robots to reduce loneliness and isolation (Berridge et al., 2023). Social robots’ touch, speech, and emotions reduce anxiety, making them comforting attachment figures. Paro Robot helps dementia patients engage with others, reduce irritation, and enhance their health.
However, there is always another side, and we will examine some of the risks and concerns of using companion robots in dementia care. Another critical factor is the risk of building a robotic companion to assist residents and replace family members. Robots can aid but not replace formal carers’ love and care (Schönmann et al., 2023). They also warned that robotization of care labor could lower quality and limit human engagement. Companion robots must complement and assist rather than replace human caregivers. This is crucial in dementia care because the patient cannot understand or consent to such activities. This emphasizes the importance of protecting patient data and telling patients about such technologies so they do not avoid it out of fear of exploitation.
Companion robot adoption by end users, especially dementia patients and caregivers, is another issue. Cognitively disabled people may struggle to use devices and become frustrated or bored rapidly. Another aspect of robot acceptability in a community is its appearance, size, and behavior. Some patients may feel uncomfortable with a human-like robot, while others prefer a robotic one. Caregivers’ comfort and familiarity with robotics can also affect robot use (Sawik et al., 2023). Improved patient and caregiver understanding and enthusiasm about companion robots are critical to increasing dementia care robot use. This involves teaching caregivers how to use the robot for care and customer service.
Moreover, the effects of long-term companion robot use on dementia patients remain unknown. The long-term effects of specific components and dosages on cognitive capacities, behavior, and quality of life need further study. Other research suggests ethical difficulties, including deception, where patients may assume the robot is real or an animal or person, or social isolation owing to robot care delivery. To address these concerns and ensure the ethical and optimal use of companion robots in dementia care, interdisciplinary research collaboration between doctors, ethicists, and policymakers is essential.
Cost-Benefit Analysis and Recommendations:
Cost incidence and return on investment must be considered when promoting companion robots for dementia patients. Claims of improved cognition, reduced aggression, and patient outcomes must be weighed against the costs of acquiring, maintaining, and using robots in patient care. Depending on the type and capabilities, companion robots might be expensive to buy. The famous PARO dementia robot costs thousands of dollars for each unit. Upfront expenditures and ongoing costs like software updates, technical support, maintenance, and repairs are essential. Time and resources are needed for staff training and robot installation in care delivery (Morgan et al., 2022). However, if robots can help carers, delay institutionalized care, and enhance patients’ circumstances, the long-term cost may be less than the advantages. For instance, if companion robots reduce pharmacological treatment and hospitalization by helping with dementia symptoms like agitation and sadness, they may be more cost-effective.
Thus, the following suggestions for building a dementia companion robot: First, the robot must help cognitively disabled people. This includes simple navigation, precise terminology, and the capacity to relax patients with music, lights, and touch. In different phases of dementia, the patient may need less or more support. Therefore, the robot should be constructed accordingly. The robot could have easily switchable modes based on the patient’s level of impairment, such as simplifying the game for a patient with severe dementia and complicating it for one in the early stages. The robot must also be intelligent enough to adapt to each patient’s needs. AI and machine learning algorithms could examine robot sensor data and client interactions to create a client profile for each consumer.
Second, it must prioritize the safety and privacy of companion robot patients. Encryption, safe storage, and tight access limits must protect health and personal data. The robot should also have proper protocols for collecting, processing, and sharing patients’ data, including acknowledging patients’ consent rights and the right to withdraw consent at any time. The robot should also look like a regular hospital setting, with soft, hypoallergenic materials, emergency stop buttons, and no sharp or harmful parts. Since it can injure patients physically or psychologically, it should have to pass all licensing examinations before treating them. In addition, the robot should have fail-safes like an override switch or alarm signaling capabilities to alert caregivers or medical staff if something goes wrong.
Finally, dementia patients need much care. Thus, marketing companion robots for dementia patients should be done carefully. Key messages should also emphasize the disease’s benefits to patients and caregivers, such as quality of life, stress reduction, burden, and support. However, one must not exaggerate or lie about its capabilities or promote the robot as a substitute for human affection. Instead, it should describe how the robot may complement other care practices and interact with expert carers to provide the most excellent care for the following patients. Marketing materials could address other concerns, such as whether utilizing robots in dementia care will diminish caregiver touch or make the crude fake. Accurate and timely disclosure of the robot’s capabilities, disadvantages, and data-handling procedures will build trust among patients, caregivers, and other health stakeholders. Sharing real-life experiences of dementia patients, caregivers, and other healthcare providers on how companion robots have assisted them might dispel these prejudices. Working with popular dementia advocacy associations, research centers, and specialized care facilities can boost the marketing campaign’s credibility and appeal to the targeted audience, which already trusts and respects these organizations.
In conclusion, companion robots for dementia patients may provide cognitive challenge, companionship, and psychological respite. However, setting up and managing such programs must be done well because dementia patients’ caregivers face many challenges. By focusing on the patient, making the robot safe for them and their privacy, and compatible with existing care systems without being expensive or complicated to buy or use, companion robots can improve the lives of dementia patients and their caregivers. This necessitates further research and collaboration with dementia patients, family caregivers, care home staff, and technology developers to integrate these technologies into people’s lives best.
Berridge, C., Zhou, Y., Robillard, J. M., & Kaye, J. (2023). Companion robots to mitigate loneliness among older adults: Perceptions of benefit and possible deception. Frontiers in Psychology, p. 14.
Koh, W. Q., Ang, F. X. H., & Casey, D. (2020). Impacts of low-cost robotic pets for older adults and people with dementia: A scoping review (Preprint). JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies, 8(1).
Morgan, A. A., Abdi, J., Syed, M. A. Q., Kohen, G. E., Barlow, P., & Vizcaychipi, M. P. (2022). Robots in Healthcare: a Scoping Review. Current Robotics Reports, 3(4).
Sawik, B., Tobis, S., Baum, E., Suwalska, A., Kropińska, S., Stachnik, K., Pérez-Bernabeu, E., Cildoz, M., Agustin, A., & Wieczorowska-Tobis, K. (2023). Robots for Elderly Care: Review, Multi-Criteria Optimization Model and Qualitative Case Study. Healthcare, 11(9), 1286.
Schönmann, M., Bodenschatz, A., Uhl, M., & Gari Walkowitz. (2023). The Care-Dependent are Less Averse to Care Robots: An Empirical Comparison of Attitudes. International Journal of Social Robotics, 15(6), 1007–1024.
Wang, X., Shen, J., & Chen, Q. (2021). How PARO can help older people in elderly care facilities: A systematic review of RCT. International Journal of Nursing Knowledge.
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