Your writing task: Write a working DRAFT OUTLINE of the body of Chapter 2: Literature Review for your Research Proposal.
Now that you have collected at least 15 sources through your annotated bibliography, you should be able to write a draft of Chapter 2: Literature Review. Use the strategies discussed in class to organize and connect the literature review, dividing it into sections.
Use the template posted on Blackboard. Here are guidelines for the various sections that will go in Chapter 1 and Chapter 2:
Chapter 2: Literature Review (the review of all the secondary research you have conducted). Contains following Level 2 headings:
Introduction and Purpose (state in one paragraph the purpose of the literature, what it will cover, etc.)
Concept A (be specific in the titling of the section; use Level 3 headings if you want)
Concept B (be specific in the titling of the section; use Level 3 headings if you want)
Concept C (be specific in the titling of the section; use Level 3 headings if you want)
Conclusion (what is the takeaway of this literature review? Recap and discuss what important findings were uncovered during this research)
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