SITXFSA008 Develop and implement a food safety program:
SITXFSA008 Develop and implement a food safety program
Develop and implement a food safety program
Precision RTO Resources Level 13, 269 Wickham St, Fortitude Valley 4006 Email: Website: © 2023 Precision RTO Resources SITXFSA008 – Develop and implement a food safety program (Release 1) Version Control & Document History Date Summary of modifications Version 09 January 2023 Version 1.0 produced following assessment validation. 1.0Copyright Notice No part of this resource may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by an information retrieval system without written permission from Precision RTO Resources. Legal action may be taken against any person who infringes their copyright through unauthorised copying. These terms are subject to the conditions prescribed under the Australian Copyright Act 1968. Copying for Educational Purposes The Australian Copyright Act 1968 allows 10% of this resource to be copied by any educational institute for educational purposes, provided that the institute (or the body that administers it) has given a remuneration notice to the Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) under the Act. For more information, visit Precision RTO Resources has made a great effort to ensure that this material is free from error or omissions. However, you should conduct your own enquiries and seek professional advice before relying on any fact, statement or matter contained in this document. Precision RTO Resources is not responsible for any injury, loss or damage as a result of resource included or omitted from this material. Information in this course material is current at the time of publication. SITXFSA008 Develop and implement a food safety program
Table of Contents
Accessing Intranet Pages and External Links. 6
Resources Required for Assessment. 8
Task 1: Evaluate Organisational Characteristics Relevant to Food Production. 48
Task 2: Evaluate the Organisation’s Existing Food Handling Practices. 50
Task 3: Develop Food Safety Program.. 51
Task 4: Organise Training and Mentoring Sessions for Staff. 53
Task 5: Communicate Food Safety Program to Staff. 54
Task 6: Monitor Implementation of Food Safety Program in the Workplace. 55
Task 7: Update Food Safety Practices in the Workplace. 56
Task 8: Participate in Food Safety Audit in the Workplace. 58
Task 9: Review and Update Organisation’s Food Safety Program.. 59
Task 10: Implement Changes in the Food Safety Program.. 60
Assessment Workbook Checklist. 62
Assessment Workbook Checklist. 63
Learner Assessment Pack
This Learner Assessment Pack is designed for you to complete the assessment for SITXFSA008 – Develop and implement a food safety program (Release 1). It may refer to your own workplace/organisation, or to a simulated business provided by your assessor.
The assessment tasks include Knowledge Assessment where you need to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the unit, and the Practical Assessment, where you need to demonstrate your skills required in the unit. It is recommended that you complete the Practical Assessments in your own workplace/organisation. If you don’t have access to a real workplace, you can complete the assessment in a simulated environment where resources and conditions similar to a workplace must be accessed. Ensure to discuss this with your assessor prior to commencing with the assessment.
Each Learner Assessment Pack is made up of four parts:
Assessment Delivery
Candidate Information
Steps for Candidate
Assessment Tasks
Assessment Tasks, including:
Knowledge Assessment
Practical Assessment
Assessment Workbook Checklist
Assessment Workbook Checklist
Before you commence your assessment, ensure that you have a good knowledge of the subject, have thoroughly read your Learner Resource, and clearly understand the assessment requirements and the expectations of the industry to which the assessment is related.
Assessments are designed to be completed using your industry/organisation, but your Registered Training Organisation (RTO) may assist you by contextualising the unit to be completed in a simulated workplace environment.
You will be required to demonstrate knowledge and skills which must be observed directly by your assessor. Where the observation task may be difficult for the assessor to directly observed, a video recording of the practical observation task must be submitted as supplementary evidence. Verification from at least one third-party signatory, and preferably two or more witnesses is required to confirm your demonstration of these practical knowledge and skills. These witnesses would usually be your current or recent supervisors, or your assessor.
The practical assessment tasks may be completed using your own workplace, a simulated environment, or a mix of both, as instructed by your assessor. To contextualise this assessment to your industry/organisation, you may be asked by your assessor to provide additional information based on your industry/organisation.
Instructions are given for each task. If you have questions, or unclear how to proceed, consult with your assessor.
Records of all aspects of the assessment must be kept in your Learner Assessment Pack
Your Learner Assessment Pack:
Upon receiving your Learner Assessment Pack, discuss with your assessor the expectations and requirements of this assessment. You may also need to supply contact details of one or two work referees who can confirm your skills in the industry.
Discuss with your assessor if you intend to undertake the practical assessment tasks based on your employing organisation, in a simulated business, or in a mix of both.
Your Learner Assessment Pack is where you will get the task information. Complete each task as instructed using either your own workplace, or using a simulated business, as discussed with your assessor.
After you complete your assessment, gather and submit your evidence documents as detailed in the task(s) in the timeframe agreed with your assessor.
Your assessor will advise you if there are any further steps for you to take to satisfactorily complete this assessment.
Accessing Intranet Pages and External Links
Some assessment tasks may require you to access specific pages from the simulated business, The Continent Hotel and/or external webpages. Links to these pages are formatted in Blue Text.
To access these, hold the Ctrl key for Windows users while clicking on these links. For Mac users, directly click the link.
The simulated business, The Continent Hotel, can be accessed by going to
Login to The Continent Hotel using the Details:
Username: trinityinstitutelearner
Password: trinityinstitute@123
Adapted Reasonable Adjustment in teaching, learning and assessment for candidates with a disability – November 2010 – Prepared by – Queensland VET Development Centre
Reasonable adjustment in VET is the term applied to modifying the learning environment or making changes to the training delivered to assist a candidate with a disability. A reasonable adjustment can be as simple as changing classrooms to be closer to amenities or installing a particular type of software on a computer for a person with vision impairment.
Why make a reasonable adjustment?
We make reasonable adjustments in VET to make sure that candidates with a disability have:
The same learning opportunities as candidates without a disability, and
The same opportunity to perform and complete assessments as those without a disability.
Reasonable adjustment applied to participation in teaching, learning and assessment activities can include:
Customising resources and assessment activities within the training package or accredited course
Modifying the presentation medium
Candidate support
Use of assistive/adaptive technologies
Making information accessible both before enrolment and during the course
Monitoring the adjustments to ensure candidates needs continue to be met
Assistive/Adaptive Technologies
Assistive/Adaptive technology means ‘software or hardware that has been specifically designed to assist people with disabilities in carrying out daily activities’ (World Wide Web Consortium – W3C). It includes screen readers, magnifiers, voice recognition software, alternative keyboards, devices for grasping, visual alert systems, digital note-takers.
Reasonable adjustment made for collecting candidate assessment evidence must not impact on the standard expected by the workplace, as expressed by the relevant unit(s) of competency. For example, if the assessment were gathering evidence of the candidate’s competency in writing, allowing the candidate to complete the assessment verbally would not be a valid assessment method. The method of assessment used by any reasonable adjustment must still meet the competency requirements.
Resources Required for Assessment
To complete the Practical Assessment tasks, you will require access to:
Computer with internet and email access, and a working web browser
Installed software: Word, Adobe Acrobat Reader
An operational food preparation organisation for which a food safety plan is developed and implemented that will allow you access to:Workplace templates, including or similar to the following:Consultation Log templateTraining and Mentoring PlanFood Safety Monitoring PlanFood Safety Program DraftFood Safety Program ReviewAt least two relevant personnel whom you need to consult with throughout the development, implementation, and review of the food safety program in the workplace. This includes personnel you have work roles relevant to food production.Legislation/regulations/codes of practice/standards relevant to food safety, includingCurrent plain English regulatory documents distributed by the commonwealth, state, territory, or local government food safety authorityAustralia New Zealand Food Standards Code
Opportunity to:Opportunity to communicate the contents of the food safety program to at least two personnel in the workplaceOpportunity to meet with at least two staff in the workplace to communicate changes made in the food safety practices in their organisation.Opportunity for participate in at least two food safety program audits in the workplace
Opportunity to meet with at least two staff in the workplace to communicate changes made in the food safety program following the food safety audit.
Learner Assessment Pack
Question 1Complete the table below about the different structures and ways of implementation of a food safety program based on the hazard analysis critical control points (HACCP) method. Hazard analysis critical control points (HACCP) method is a management system used to ensure food safety by analysing and controlling food hazards during food handling operations. Outline at least two structures of a food safety program based on the HACCP method. In your own words, explain how each identified structure of a food safety program is implemented based on the HACCP method.Food Safety Program StructureFood Safety Program Implementation
Question 2Complete the table below about different processes used by organisations when developing and implementing food safety programs. Identify at least two of the following processes used when developing and implementing a food safety program:Communication processes Consultative processes Outline how to implement each process identified. Communication Process for Developing and Implementing a Food Safety ProgramHow to Implement Each Process Identified Consultative Process for Developing and Implementing a Food Safety ProgramHow to Implement Each Process Identified
Question 3 Complete the table below on roles of different stakeholders in the development of a food safety program. Identify at least one job role from each stakeholder group. Briefly describe the tasks of each job role identified in relation to food safety program development. Stakeholder GroupJob Roles in Each Stakeholder Group in Relation to Food Safety Program DevelopmentTasks of Each Job Role in Relation to Food Safety Program DevelopmentFood safety team Department heads Procurement team
Question 4Access the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code Where possible, refer to a current plain English version of this code Answer the following questions about food safety standards based on the document. Refer to Chapter 3: Food Safety Standards (Australia Only) when answering the questions below. Outline the five general requirements of food safety programs that food businesses must comply to. Access Standard 3.2.1 Food safety programs (Australia only) Division 2 Food safety programs Outline the six details a food safety program must have. Access Standard 3.2.1 Food safety programs (Australia only) Division 2 Food safety programs Outline the two actions a food handler who suffers from a condition at work must follow. Access Standard 3.2.2 Food safety practices and general requirements Division 4 Health and hygiene requirements Outline the three requirements that food handlers must follow whenever washing their hands. Access Standard 3.2.2 Food safety practices and general requirements Division 4 Health and hygiene requirements In your own words, define the terms listed below.Contaminant Access Standard 3.1.1 Interpretation and application (Australia only) Contamination Access Standard 3.1.1 Interpretation and application (Australia only) Potentially Hazardous Foods Access Standard 3.2.2 Food Safety Practices and General Requirements Division 1 Interpretation and Application SITXFSA008 Develop and implement a food safety program
Question 5Read the scenario about bacterial swabs and counts technique in monitoring food safety. Cosmo produces and supplies yogurt to a local market. The local market has a quality requirement for food safety that Cosmo’s yogurt needs to comply to. Cosmo is asked to present a proof that the yogurt he supplies has an acceptable microbial count so that it’s safe for consumption. Cosmo used the technique called bacterial swabs and counts to monitor the microbial count of their yogurt. They follow the following steps when conducting this process: Labelled swab tubes are preparedThe swab stick is removed from the sterile wrappingThe tip of the swab stick is moistened by immersing it in a tube containing dilution liquidThe tip of the swab stick is pressed against the inside wall of the tube to remove excess fluidAn area of the food sample is selected to be swabbed and applied a suitable sized sterile templateThe tip of the swab is pressed unto the surface and streaked in two directions at right angles within the template while rotating the swab stick between thumb and forefingerThe swab is then placed back in the tube with the dilution material, with the stick aseptically broken or cut offThe sample area and templates are then cleaned with alcohol wipes A record of the findings is then prepared to serve as proof that the yogurt that Cosmo sells complies with the local market’s requirement. Answer the questions that follow.Enumerate the eight steps used to conduct the technique that Cosmo used to monitor the microbial count of their yogurt. Briefly explain the importance of conducting bacterial swabs and counts.
Question 6Read the scenario about checking and recording food stored in appropriated timeframes and visually examining food for quality to monitor food safety. Ashton owns a milk production company. Upon production, the company uses a heating process called pasteurisation to prolong the shelf life of milk. Milk is stored in a large tank while being heated at 69 degrees Celsius for at least 30 minutes. Thermometers are used to monitor temperatures for the whole process. Milk temperature is recorded in a monitoring document every five minutes during the heating process. Afterwards, milk is quickly cooled to retain a high percentage of the milk’s natural enzymes and beneficial bacteria. During storage, pasteurised milk is placed in individual bottles and are refrigerated at 5 to 7 degrees Celsius and can be stored for about 12 to 14 days. Each milk bottle is inspected by the staff for possible change in colour and texture. Spoiled milk may turn into a slightly yellowish colour and lumpy texture and must be disposed of immediately. Answer the questions that follow. Identify the heating process used to prolong the shelf life of milk. Identify the tool used to monitor temperatures during the heating process. Identify how often is the temperature reading recorded in a monitoring document during the heating process. Identify how long milk can be stored after pasteurisation. Briefly explain how milk is identified as spoiled through inspection.
Question 7Briefly explain the purpose of each chemical test listed in monitoring food safety. Types of Chemical TestPurpose of Chemical TestInfrared spectroscopy Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy High-performance liquid chromatography
Question 8Read the scenarios about monitoring and recording food and storage equipment temperatures to monitor food safety. Answer the questions that follow. Scenario 1 Jacob is a food inspector for a local food audit agency. In one of his audits, he was asked to check if the meat stored in the freezer is being stored with appropriate temperature control. He used a thermometer with accuracy of plus minus one degree Celsius to check the meat’s average stored temperature, in which he found out to be negative 17 degrees Celsius. Other than the food temperature, Jacob also checked the freezer’s temperature setting which he found out to be negative 19 degrees. All temperature readings taken are recorded to evaluate the appropriateness of the practice in the company being audited. Knowing that the acceptable storage freezing temperature for meat is negative 18 degrees, he concluded that the company is appropriately and safely storing meat and has passed the inspection.Identify the instrument used to measure the temperature of meat. Identify the acceptable freezer temperature for storing meat. Briefly explain how Jacob concluded that the company should pass the inspection. Scenario 2 Tony owns a bakery serving freshly baked bread from morning until late night. Because of lack of manpower, he sees to it that all baking processes are completed before the store opens so that the staff can focus on selling the baked goods. However, the store opens at 6 am in the morning until 10 pm in the evening. Temperature in which the bread is stored must be controlled at all times to ensure that bread is kept fresh for selling and consumption. Given the situation, Tony purchased heated holding and proofing cabinets that can store bread at precisely 20 degrees Celsius. He advised the staff to measure and record the temperate of one bread using a temperature to make sure that the temperature is well kept at all times. When the temperature of the bread goes outside the range of 19 to 21 degrees Celsius, the staff adjusts the temperature of the holding and proofing cabinet to regulate the temperature appropriately.Identify the equipment that Tony purchased to maintain the temperature of his bread at all times. Identify the temperature setting of the equipment when storing bread. Briefly explain Tony’s advice to the staff regarding the equipment.
Question 9Listed below are food safety monitoring documents used during implementation of a food safety program. In your own words, explain the purpose of each document used to ensure safe food handling practices in the organisation. Each response must be 30 words or more.Food Safety Monitoring DocumentPurpose of Each DocumentAudit reports Audit tables Customer complaint forms Food flow diagrams Food production records Hazard and analysis table Incident reports of uncontrolled food hazards Policies and procedures Product specifications Verification records
Question 10Listed below are different documents used in monitoring hazards during implementation of a food safety program. In your own words, explain the purpose of each document used to ensure food hazards do not contaminate the food products. Each response must be 30 words or more.Food Hazard Control MonitoringPurpose of Each DocumentRecords required by local legislation Illness registers List of suppliers Temperature control data Training logs
Question 11Complete the table below about the different processes involved in food production. Identify at least one safe food handling practice applicable in each listed process.Identify the appropriate temperature range for each listed process to ensure food safety.Food Production ProcessesSafe Food Handling Practices for Each ProcessAppropriate Temperature for Each ProcessStoring Processing Displaying Cooking Serving Cooling Transporting
Question 12Complete the table below regarding types of food safety hazard. Briefly explain the risk of each food hazard type listed below to food quality. Briefly explain how the risk identified can be prevented. Types of Food HazardsRisk to Food QualityHow Risk is PreventedBroken glass Metal Chemicals Insects SITXFSA008 Develop and implement a food safety program
Question 13Complete the table below regarding types of food contamination. Briefly explain the risk of each food contaminant listed below to food quality. Briefly explain how the risk identified can be prevented. Examples of ContaminantsRisk to Food QualityHow Risk Can be PreventedPlastic wrap Pests Pesticides Preservatives
Question 14 Identify at least one condition in which food can be contaminated by the microorganisms listed below. Types of MicroorganismsCondition Wherein Microorganism Contaminates FoodFungi Bacteria Naturally occurring toxins
Question 15 Complete the table below regarding environment temperature controls for food storage. Food Allergens Briefly explain how food allergens can cause cross-contamination. Appropriate Food Storage Environment and Temperature Complete the table below on appropriate food storage conditions: Identify the appropriate environment for storing each food type listed below.Identify the appropriate temperature for storing each food type listed below. Food TypeAppropriate Environment for StorageAppropriate Temperature for Storage Vegetables Fresh meat Milk Butter Processed food Temperature Danger ZoneDefine the temperature danger zone.
Question 16 Briefly explain the concept of each rule in food safety listed below according to Food Standards Australia New Zealand. Rules of Food SafetyConcept of Each Rule in Food SafetyTwo-hour rule Four-hour rule
Question 17 Read the scenarios regarding cleaning equipment and materials used to ensure food safety. Answer the questions that follow. Scenario 1 Jarrett is a new service crew in Peetal, a restaurant in The Continent Hotel. Part of Jarrett’s responsibilities is to clean kitchen sinks before the diner opens in the morning. Jarrett checked the storage room and saw three cleaning materials: baking soda, bleach and dish soap. He decided to pick up and use the dish soap according to the guidelines in their organisation’s food safety program. Before cleaning the sink, Jarrett looked for instructions on the dish soap’s packaging. The packaging provided instructions on using the dish soap which indicates the following steps: Add about 3 to 5 drops of the dish soap on a clean and damp sponge Squeeze the sponge on running water for about one to secondsUse the sponge to wipe the surface to be cleaned. Jarrett proceeded to clean the kitchen sink following the instructions indicated in the packaging of the dish soap. Identify the cleaning material Jarrett chose to clean the kitchen sink with. Identify the reason why the chosen cleaning material was considered over the other choices. Enumerate the three steps in using the chosen cleaning material based on the instructions from the packaging. Scenario 2 Jojo is a service crew in Latitude, a cafe in The Continent Hotel. During one of her shifts, the barista accidentally spilled coffee on the kitchen floor. Jojo rushed to the storage room to pick up cleaning equipment to remove the spilled coffee on the floor. She found three cleaning equipment: Brushes, cleaning dusters and sponge mops. Jojo took the sponge mop because it can absorb fluid. She also chose it to follow their organisation’s food safety program. The sponge mop is brand new and includes an instruction manual as a guide in using. Jojo read the instructions on the instruction manual which indicates the following steps: Attach the head of the sponge shaft to one of the tips of the poleRest the sponge part to the floorSway the mop back and forth using the pole to wipe the floor Jojo followed the instructions indicated in the manual to clean the spilled coffee on the kitchen floor.Identify the cleaning equipment Jojo chose to clean the kitchen floor with. Identify two reasons why the chosen cleaning equipment was considered over the other choices. Enumerate the three steps in using the chosen cleaning equipment based on the instructions from the instruction manual.
Question 18 Read the scenarios regarding sanitising equipment and materials used to ensure food safety. Answer the questions that follow. Scenario 1 Helen is a manager of Heion, a restaurant in The Continent Hotel. As part of the safety protocols of the company, each branch must always ensure that all kitchen surfaces are disinfected before proceeding with the actual baking. Helen checked for items to use in enforcing this in which she found three materials: Alcohol, Chlorine and Hydrogen Peroxide. She advised all staff attending the baking process to disinfect all kitchen surfaces using a sanitising material. Helen chose alcohol as this is the material that would safely sanitise the kitchen surfaces without the risk of contaminating the dough. This was also reflected in their organisation’s food safety program. To ensure that the alcohol is used safely in sanitising the kitchen surfaces, Helen asked the bakers to follow the advice printed on the label of the alcohol. The label indicates the following steps: Transfer the alcohol on a spray bottleSpray the alcohol three times on the kitchen surfaceSpread the alcohol to the surfaces by wiping it with cloth Identify the sanitising material Helen chose to implement the company’s safety protocols. Identify the reason why the chosen sanitising material was considered over the other choices. Enumerate the three steps in using the chosen sanitising material based on the advice printed on the label. Scenario 2 Blake is a service crew in The Lounge, a bar in The Continent Hotel. The local government where the hotel is located in required all establishment to enforce sanitation in their premises during operations. The bar manager asked Blake to look for sanitation equipment that they can use to follow this requirement. After making a few calls, Blake was able to identify three sanitation equipment: Automatic alcohol dispensers, UV sanitising machine and automatic sanitising sprayers. After checking the bar’s food safety program, he decided to use the automatic sanitising sprayer so that the kitchen area is sanitised automatically every few hours. After purchasing the automatic sanitising sprayer, Blake installed the machine inside the kitchen. He checked the instruction manual for instructions on using the machine and found the following steps in using the machine: Fill up the tank of the machine with sanitation liquidTurn on the machineSet the timer for the desired frequency of sanitation Identify the sanitising equipment Blake chose to follow the requirement of the local government. Identify the reason why the chosen sanitising equipment was considered over the other choices. Enumerate the three steps in using the chosen sanitation equipment based on the instructions from the instruction manual.
Question 19 Read the scenarios regarding pest control equipment and materials used to ensure food safety. Answer the questions that follow. Scenario 1 Beverly is a recently hired cook at La Bellisima, a restaurant in The Continent Hotel. The restaurant is infested with rats running all over the place and damaging food items. This has become a major issue and has driven customers away. Beverly discovered this on her first day and quickly looked for ways to solve the issue. Using her smartphone, she made a quick search on materials for dealing with rat infestations and found three related pest control materials: insecticide, mouse traps and sticky papers. Beverly consulted the organisation’s food safety program and decided to order mouse traps to catch the rats running around the restaurant. During her quick search, Beverly took note of the manufacturer’s advice on using the mouse traps. The manufacturer’s advice indicates the following steps: Open the trap by slinging the door and locking it with the switching mechanismPlace food bait on the hook of the switching mechanismPlace mouse trap on areas where mice are usually found Identify the pest control material chosen by Beverly to deal with the rat infestation. Identify the reason why the chosen pest control material was considered over the other choices. Enumerate the three steps in using the chosen pest control material based on the advice from the manufacturer. SITXFSA008 Develop and implement a food safety program
Scenario 2 Polly is a service crew in Heion, a restaurant in The Continent Hotel. All sorts of insects are plaguing the kitchen and damaging food items. Polly checked their stock room to look for equipment he can use to resolve the issue. He found three pest control equipment available in the stock room: Respirator, UV flashlight and Pesticide Sprayers. Polly consulted their organisation’s food safety program and took the pesticide sprayer. He intends to use it to kill the insects infesting the restaurant’s kitchen. To ensure that he uses the machine correctly, he read the instructions on the instruction manual which indicates the following steps: Fill up the tank of the machine with pesticide up to about three centimetres from the lidCarry the tank on your back by slinging the strap to your shouldersHold the nozzle with one hand and press the button on the nozzle to spray the pesticide to the intended area Polly proceeded to use the pesticide sprayer following the instructions on the instruction manual.Identify the pest control equipment Polly chose to deal with the insect infestation. Identify the reason why the chosen pest control equipment was considered over the other choices. Enumerate the three steps in using the chosen pest control equipment based on the instructions from the instruction manual.
Question 20Briefly explain how to ensure food safety for each high-risk customer listed below. High-Risk CustomersHow to Ensure Safe Food HandlingChildren Babies Pregnant women Aged persons People with immune deficiencies People with allergies People with medical conditions
Question 21 Complete the table below regarding hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP). Identify at least one instance in which each food production step listed below is considered as a Critical Control Point.Identify at least one predetermined method of control that can be used to mitigate the instance identified. Food Production StepInstance Considered as Critical Control PointPredetermined Method of Control Receiving Storing Preparing Processing or cooking Displaying Serving Packaging Cooling Transporting Disposing of food
Question 22 Read the scenarios about time control methods during food handling. Answer the questions that follow. Scenario 1 Maxie owns a chocolate manufacturing company. She recently underwent HACCP training to receive HACCP accreditation. The accreditation grants her customers an added layer of confidence that her chocolates are safe for consumption. During the training, she learned that roasting the cocoa beans too long can destroy the flavour of the chocolate to be produced. On the other hand, roasting too short would inhibit microbial growth that would make the chocolate unsafe for consumption. With this, she had set to have the standard roasting time of cocoa to be 45 minutes to ensure the uniformity and quality of the chocolate produced.Identify the roasting duration that Maxie roasts cocoa. Identify the reason why cocoa is roasted for the identified roasting duration. Scenario 2 Nash runs a meat shop which sell a wide variety of fresh and canned meat. The HACCP authorities that granted Nash accreditation taught him that packaging allows a certain time before the meat goes stale. With this, Nash instructed his staff to keep fresh meat in foam trays and shrink wrap refrigerated for only three to five days. Canned meat can be stored for two to five years as indicated in their packaging. Anything that goes over these time period must be thrown out immediately to avoid cross-contaminationIdentify how long canned meat can be stored. Identify how long staff was instructed to keep fresh meat in foam while being refrigerated. Briefly explain what happens to the meat if it goes beyond the prescribed duration of keeping it in foam.
Question 23 Read the scenarios about temperature control methods during food handling. Answer the questions that follow. Scenario 1 Rowe owns a meat company that raises their own chicken and prepares it for market sale. Recent news showed another company was stripped away of HACCP accreditation for having spoiled chicken meat upon delivery to supermarkets. High storage temperatures allow moulds to grow on the meat which is a blatant food hazard. Hearing about the recent news, Rowe ordered that the company is to store fresh chicken meat in a freezer that is below at least 5 degrees Celsius right after slaughter.Identify the freezer temperature in storing fresh chicken meat right after slaughter. Briefly explain why the freezer must be at the identified temperature setting in storing freshly slaughtered chicken. Scenario 2 Mervy runs her own ice cream company from production to market delivery. She had struggles in the past where the ice cream melt when shipping from the factory to the supermarket. Mervy contacted a HACCP consultant on how to address her concern in which the consultant recommends purchasing trucks with freezer compartments for transportation. She followed the recommendation and purchased trucks that can store the ice cream at about negative 18 degrees Celsius or lower. Identify the temperature in which trucks are storing ice cream during delivery. Briefly explain the purpose of purchasing trucks with freezer compartments.
Preliminary Task Questions 24, 25 and 26 of this Knowledge Assessment require you to refer to the state/territory-specific requirements, such as food safety requirements and legislations of your state/territory. For your assessor’s reference, indicate below which state/territory you are currently based or located in by ticking the box that corresponds to your answer. When answering Questions 24, 25 and 26, you must refer to the food safety requirements and legislation of the state/territory you ticked below. The state/territory where your workplace/organisation is based or located in.☐Australian Capital Territory☐South Australia☐New South Wales☐Tasmania☐Northern Territory☐Victoria☐Queensland☐Western AustraliaSITXFSA008 Develop and implement a food safety program
Question 24Access the local community food safety requirement applicable to your organisation. Local community food safety requirement refers to standards or guidance set out by your local council to maintain the handling of food of the neighbouring residents in your area. Where possible, refer to a current plain English version of this document. Answer the questions below about local community food safety regulations that must be met by food-related organisations based on the local community food safety requirement you accessed. Identify the link to the summary document of the local community food safety requirement you accessed. Identify at least two health requirements that any food handler must comply to. Identify at least two hygiene requirements that food handlers must comply to. Identify at least two employer responsibilities that food businesses must comply to. Identify at least two requirements that must be observed when checking safe food handling practices of organisations.
Question 25Access the local community food safety requirement applicable to your organisation. Where possible, refer to a current plain English version of this document. Answer the questions below about audit frequencies that must be considered during food safety program development based on the local community food safety requirement you accessed. Identify the link to the summary document of the local community food safety requirement you accessed. Identify three considerations that decide the organisation’s audit frequency. Identify at least three elements the audit officer will check during an audit. SITXFSA008 Develop and implement a food safety program
Question 26 Access and review the food safety legislation applicable to your state/territory. Where possible, refer to a current plain English version of the food safety legislation. Answer the following questions about food safety legislation and consequences to non-compliance that must guide the organisation’s food safety program development. Answers must be based on the current food safety legislation applicable to your state/territory. Identify the food safety legislation applicable to your state/territory. Complete the table below by identifying the following:At least two requirements food safety organisations need to follow based on legislation identified At least one consequence for non-compliance to each requirement identified. Requirement About Food SafetyConsequence for Non-Compliance Preliminary Task Questions 27, 28, 29 and 30 of this Knowledge Assessment require you to refer to your own workplace, its industry sector, and your work role. For your assessor’s reference, identify the information required in the spaces below. While answering Questions 27, 28, 29 and 30, you must refer to the information you provided below. Workplace/organisation name: Industry Sector: Your work role:
Question 27 Access your organisational policies and procedures on food safety. Identify at least two consequences your organisation will face if food safety procedures are not followed. The consequences identified must be applicable to your workplace identified in the preliminary task.
Question 28Access your organisational food safety program. Outline the policies and procedures of your organisation for each component listed below. Responses must be based on the organisational food safety program accessed.Food Safety Program ComponentOrganisational Food Safety Policies and ProceduresAudit Cleaning and sanitation Communication Contingency management Corrective actions Equipment maintenance Evaluation Pest control Record maintenance Training SITXFSA008 Develop and implement a food safety program
Question 29Access your organisational food safety program relating to the following: DressHygienePersonal protective equipment Outline the policies and procedures of your organisation for each personal consideration listed below. Responses must be based on the organisational food safety program accessed.
Personal ConsiderationOrganisational Policies and ProceduresDress Hygiene Personal protective equipment SITXFSA008 Develop and implement a food safety program
Question 30 Access your organisational food safety program relating to the following: Systematic monitoring and recording of hazard controlCorrective actions for uncontrolled food hazards Outline the policies and procedures of your organisation for each component listed below. Responses must be based on the organisational food safety program accessed.
Food Safety Program ComponentOrganisational Food Safety Policies and ProceduresSystematic monitoring of hazard controls and record keeping Corrective actions SITXFSA008 Develop and implement a food safety program
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