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The final paper is essentially a literature review of your selected topic that relates to social inequality. A list of pre-approved topics is provided is for you select from.

Assignment Requirements The final paper is essentially a literature review of your selected topic that relates to social inequality. A list of pre-approved topics is provided is for you select from. If you wish to choose a topic not on the list, you must email me for topic approval. You will critically review the literature related to one aspect of your chosen topic. The final paper should be approximately 4-6-pages consisting of a minimum of 5 scholarly sources. You may use readings from this course as part of your paper, however, must use 5 scholarly sources in addition to whichever course readings you wish to include. Please note that the use of non- scholarly sources is strictly prohibited. The topics provided below are intended to be broad, thus giving you freedom to take your topic in the direction you choose. Please read the “what is a scholarly source” document posted on Canvas. Pre-Approved Topics: ⚫ Gender & Inequality • Race & Ethnic Inequality ⚫ Health & Inequality ⚫ Crime & Inequality ⚫ Globalization & Inequality ⚫ Modern Day Social Movements & Inequality ⚫ Technology & Inequality ⚫ Class Stratification This assignment is considered formal writing – this means you are required to do all of the following: ⚫ Write with purpose. Each sentence should contribute to your overall writing. Space fillers such as “very interesting” are unacceptable. ⚫ Write in well-structured paragraphs which are organized to fit together to form a cohesive literature review. • Use the same glossary of terms that the readings’ authors use. In other words, do not make up your own descriptors or tell the reader “Basically…” ⚫ Use academic tone. This means that your writing should be literal and formal using proper English, spelling, and grammar. • Do not use clichés, text speak (e.g. ROFL), emoji, non-text characters. • Do not use non-scholarly sources. For example, newspaper, Wikipedia, Tumblr, Facebook, Buzzfeed articles, and all other non-scholarly sources. • Use ASA formatting for in-text citations and reference list. • Typed, double-spaced, 12-point Times Roman font, 1 inch margins on all sides, and page numbers. ⚫ Length-should be between 1000-1300 words, approximately 4-6 pages. Several resources are available to help you complete this assignment. Please read the resource documents posted on Canvas.

The final paper is essentially a literature review of your selected topic that relates to social inequality. A list of pre-approved topics is provided is for you select from.
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