Assignment Task
Purpose :
The purpose of the assignment is to provide students with the opportunity to understand the necessary steps to lead and manage challenges in today’s rapidly changing health care system. Students will select a topic, identify current issues and trends and use evidence-based practice to develop a nursing leadership strategy. In addition to this, students will use critical reasoning, problem solving, collaboration, and leadership skills to present a unique strategy for practice integration.
Assignment Guidelines
Select one of the following topics Workplace violence between nurses, or interdisciplinary team membersStaff shortages, or staff burnoutWorking with UCPs and delegationThe role of the practical nurse working within a changing environmentChallenges for nurses working in a pandemic or emergencyIntegrating advocacy methods for marginalized communitiesAlternate topic to be discussed and approved by the professorGather information from current literature to support why your chosen topic is an issue that needs to be addressed. The student will want to answer why this is an issue? What is the impact on the nursing profession?
Students are encouraged to use statistics or case studies to provide support in this area.
Based on the research, discuss two strategies/interventions that are currently being practiced addressing the topic. The strategies/interventions must be supported by evidencebased practice (literature)Discuss one unique recommendation or intervention that you would suggest addressing this issue/topic.
Students may wish to use an intervention from another industry/profession outside of nursing. In which they can adapt it to the nursing profession.
The recommendation must be realistic and include details on a leadership style to accomplish the intervention, stakeholders, implementation plans, and how it can be evaluated for success.