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The research topic is Incorporating Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Biblical Worldview in Christian Schools and follow the advanced side of the grading rubric  

EDUC 798

Research Methodology Presentation Assignment Instructions


For this assignment, you will develop a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the gap in the research literature (for traditional research) or a noticed need in the field (for applied/action research). Your presentation will also address a related research question or problem informed by the research topic. The topic of the presentation should align with the topic you identified in Discussion: Research Topic and in the Professional Publication Manuscript Assignment.

Your proposed research design must include human participants and be of one of the design types presented in the Learn section for this course (do not attempt the following design types: mixed-methods, descriptive statistics only, meta-analysis, or text-only reviews). Data must never be collected without Institutional Review Board approval. You are only proposing a research study. Do not actually engage human participants or collect data.

Use past-tense verbs when discussing studies already conducted (i.e., from the research literature) and future-tense verbs to describe your proposed study.

Review the Research Methodology Presentation Grading Rubric before submitting your presentation.


The presentation must be 10–20 slides and must include the following elements:

· An introduction;

· A literature review section with citations;

· A theoretical or conceptual framework section with citations;

· Note: Be specific and describe how your study will be grounded. For instance, traditional research should include a theoretical framework, such as Social Cultural Career Theory, Expectancy-Value Theory, etc. Applied or action research should include a conceptual framework that attends to the basic foundation that frames your problem of practice.

· A section describing your proposed research question(s) and research design for advancing the body of knowledge for your topic;

· A section describing your proposed sample population, sampling strategy, sample size, and methods for ensuring a diversely represented sample;

· Note: Be specific. Identify a specific sampling strategy (e.g., purposeful convenience, random, or snowball sampling). Where will you derive your sample population? How many participants would you need?

· A section describing your proposed data gathering methods (for qualitative designs), data collection protocol, and instrumentation (for quantitative designs);

· Note: Be specific. Will you use an already established measurement instrument, such as a survey or standardized test? Or will you create one based on the curriculum in use or other factors? If you plan to create a measurement, you need only mention this—do not create one for this assignment.

· A section describing your proposed data analysis strategy (for qualitative designs) OR chosen statistical analysis (for quantitative designs). You are proposing research only, not conducting it.

· A section describing your proposed plan for ensuring trustworthiness (for qualitative designs) OR validity and reliability (for quantitative designs).

· Note: Be specific about how you will analyze data. Will you conduct a specific statistical analysis (for quantitative designs)? Will you code data and organize it into themes (for qualitative designs)? Be specific about how you will ensure trustworthiness (will you use triangulation, for instance?) OR validity and reliability (will you conduct a statistical test, such as Cronbach’s alpha, for instance?)

· A references section (you must cite a minimum of five articles from scholarly, peer-reviewed journals for this assignment).

Ensure your presentation is easily readable, aesthetically pleasing, and professional. Include graphics, images, pictures, and/or charts to engage your audience.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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Criteria Ratings Points

Content: Introduction, Literature Review

52 to >47 pts


Key points concisely summarized with balance, clarity, and relevance and are supported by research citations.

47 to >43 pts


Most key points summarized with clarity, and relevance and are supported by research citations.

43 to >0 pts


While some key points are addressed, there is a lack of focus and important information is neglected and/or sufficient research citations are not provided.

0 pts

Not Present

52 pts

Research Design

35 to >31 pts


A sound research design (i.e., Experimental, Quasi-Experimental, Correlational, Causal-Comparative, Qualitative Phenomenology, Qualitative Case Study, Qualitative Ethnography) and theoretical or conceptual framework are proposed that are relevant to the research topic and research question(s). Appropriate references are provided to justify methodological choices.

31 to >28 pts


A sound research design (i.e., Experimental, Quasi-Experimental, Correlational, Causal-Comparative, Qualitative Phenomenology, Qualitative Case Study, Qualitative Ethnography) and theoretical or conceptual framework are proposed, but alignment between these elements and the research question(s) and research topic is not clear. Some references are provided to justify methodological choices, but more are needed.

28 to >0 pts


A research design (i.e., Experimental, Quasi-Experimental, Correlational, Causal-Comparative, Qualitative Phenomenology, Qualitative Case Study, Qualitative Ethnography) and theoretical or conceptual framework are proposed, but they are not appropriate to the research question(s) and research topic. Few or no references are provided to justify methodological choices.

0 pts

Not Present

35 pts

Research Methodology Presentation Grading Rubric | EDUC798_B02_202430

Criteria Ratings Points

Data Collection And Analysis

35 to >31 pts


Sound data collection and data analysis strategies are proposed that are appropriate to the stated research design. Appropriate references are provided to justify the proposed data collection and analysis strategies.

Includes all 4 of the following: • Discussion of data gathering methods (Qualitative designs) OR data collection protocol and instrumentation (Quantitative designs) • Sample Population (to include demonstration of Social responsibility [SCRIP] by including a specific sampling strategy (i.e., random sampling, purposeful convenience sampling, etc.), desired sample size, and steps taken to ensure as diverse a sample as possible for the topic) • Discussion of data analysis strategy (Qualitative designs) OR chosen statistical analysis (Quantitative designs) • Discussion of trustworthiness (Qualitative designs) OR validity and reliability (Quantitative designs)

31 to >28 pts


Sound data collection and data analysis strategies are proposed, but alignment between these elements and the stated research design is not clear. Some references are provided to justify the proposed data collection and analysis strategies, but more are needed.

Includes 3 of the following: • Discussion of data gathering methods (Qualitative designs) OR data collection protocol and instrumentation (Quantitative designs) • Sample Population (to include demonstration of Social responsibility [SCRIP] by including a specific sampling strategy (i.e., random sampling, purposeful convenience sampling, etc.), desired sample size, and steps taken to ensure as diverse a sample as possible for the topic) • Discussion of data analysis strategy (Qualitative designs) OR chosen statistical analysis (Quantitative designs) • Discussion of trustworthiness (Qualitative designs) OR validity and reliability (Quantitative designs)

28 to >0 pts


Data collection and data analysis strategies are proposed, but are not appropriate to the stated research design. Few or no references are provided to justify the proposed data collection and analysis strategies.

Includes 1-2 of the following: • Discussion of data gathering methods (Qualitative designs) OR data collection protocol and instrumentation (Quantitative designs) • Sample Population (to include demonstration of Social responsibility [SCRIP] by including a specific sampling strategy (i.e., random sampling, purposeful convenience sampling, etc.), desired sample size, and steps taken to ensure as diverse a sample as possible for the topic) • Discussion of data analysis strategy (Qualitative designs) OR chosen statistical analysis (Quantitative designs) • Discussion of trustworthiness (Qualitative designs) OR validity and reliability (Quantitative designs)

0 pts

Not Present

35 pts

Research Methodology Presentation Grading Rubric | EDUC798_B02_202430

Criteria Ratings Points

Sentence Structure

10 to >9 pts


Sentences are well-phrased and varied in length and structure. Writing displays concise, interesting and focused introductory and concluding sentences.

9 to >7 pts


Sentences are well-phrased and there is some variety in length and structure. Writing displays clear introductory and concluding sentences.

7 to >0 pts


Some sentences are awkwardly constructed so that the reader is occasionally distracted. Writing displays vague introductory and concluding sentence.

0 pts

Not Present

10 pts

Mechanics and Current APA Format

33 to >29 pts


The writing is free of errors.

29 to >27 pts


There are few (1-3) errors, but they do not represent a major distraction or obscure meaning.

27 to >0 pts


The writing has many errors.

0 pts

Not Present

33 pts

Slide Elements And Design

10 to >9 pts


The slides are visually interesting. Numerous uses of graphics, images, pictures, and/or charts. No typos. Selected font style and color are easy to read against slide background color.

9 to >7 pts


Most slides read with ease and include pertinent information. Limited use of graphics, images, pictures, and/or charts. Appropriate text and slides for purpose.

7 to >0 pts


Difficult to read, too much information on slide. Few or no use of graphics, images, pictures, and/or charts. Numerous typos.

0 pts

Not Present

10 pts

Total Points: 175

Research Methodology Presentation Grading Rubric | EDUC798_B02_202430

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