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This case builds on the Village of Typical cost analysis case completed earlier in the semester.  This exercise focuses on the development of performance measures and management for summer street maintenance.  

The village manager wants to begin the process of managing with the regular collection and analysis of performance information. As a part of this effort, she wants to look closely at one component of street services, summer street maintenance.  Summer street maintenance includes the following activities– cleaning, patching, repairing, repaving, and rebuilding streets in the village.   This is one of several services that the manager wants to begin developing regular performance information for and to begin using this information to assess performance and options for change.  You are the Deputy Village Manager and have been asked to (1) develop performance measures, (2)  plan for data collection of the needed performance information, and (3)  plan for using the performance information to help manage summer street maintenance service in the coming years.  

Current Village of Typical Summer Street Maintenance Activities.  This service component does not include other related streetscape services like sidewalk repair, street tree care, and replacement, etc.  The village currently provides the following street maintenance services:

Repaves one mile per year on average.  Most recently, the village has accomplished this by contracting for a portion of the paving work.   The village has contracted out the use of a paver and paver operator to both private vendors and most recently the Town of Typical highway department – the Town of Typical surrounds the Village.  The village supplies trucks and truck drivers for hauling asphalt and for laborers to assist in the paving operation. 
Provides pothole repair as needed both temporary in the spring and more permanent repair in the summer.
Cleans street catch basins as needed.

Options for change.  Pavement life varies, but on average pavement life is between 8 and 15 years before a street needs to be repaved and provide a safe drivable road surface.  If there is a decline in the quality of street surfaces the local government may need to increase funding to accomplish more street repair and paving or it may need to improve the paving methods or approach used on village streets. This may require changing methods or adding better engineering guidance.   In this case another option to consider may be to change paving contractors.

Resources for Developing Your Plan

A revised Excel spreadsheet for the Village of Typical, New York includes four years of expenditures for summer street maintenance.  For each of the last four years, total and per mile annual summer street maintenance costs are calculated by estimating the costs for this service from the overall bundle of street maintenance service costs. The first tab in the Excel workbook named “Summer Street Maintenance,” contains these summer street maintenance costs.    The second tab named, “Village Street” contains the information developed earlier in the semester for all street service-related costs.   The third tab named “Clerk-Treasurer” demonstrates one method for allocating an indirect cost, clerk-treasurer administrative support costs, in calculating the full cost of a service.  The fourth tab labeled “Expenditure Definitions” provides a brief description of the expenditure categories in the Excel table.  Recall that the village has ten miles of streets.
In addition, the Village of Typical’s county highway department has provided an analysis of road conditions in the Village (see Village of Typical PMI Report – read the first 5 pages carefully and at least skim the balance of the report).   The county provides this analysis as a service to all the local governments within its borders.  The analysis is based on direct observation and data collection for each street segment within the village.   Based on a summary of the condition data, each segment is assigned a pavement condition index (PCI) –see the third and fourth pages. On the fifth page of the document, these individual road ratings are summarized and analyzed.    There are bar charts that show the distribution of village roads by PCI and the computation of an overall index.   The county re-evaluates all streets and roads in the county every two years and makes a report and relevant data on local streets available to each local government in the county.
Some other measures used by communities for summer street maintenance: (note -paved lane miles are equivalent to 2 times the miles of street in the Village of Typical).

Expenditures on road rehabilitation per paved lane mile
Paved lane miles 
Paved lane miles for which the jurisdiction is responsible 
Paved Lane Miles Assessed as Satisfactory as a Percentage of Miles Assessed
Citizen service satisfaction

Also see – Asphalt Maintenance and Repair Village of Hickory (pages 12-14) in  Benchmarking for Results.  Rivenbark, Ammons and Roenigk (2005).

Your Assignment:  recall from above:  You have been asked to (1) develop performance measures, (2)  plan for data collection of the needed performance information, and (3) plan for using the performance information to help manage summer street maintenance service in the future.  In developing your performance measures and management plan for summer street maintenance services follow the guidance below.  Provide the requested information in memo format addressed to the village manager.  Where relevant and valuable cite the course readings as you write up this assignment. Submit your final memorandum via Brightspace for this assignment. 

The Village of Typical service objective (public works infrastructure objective for village streets):  The Village of Typical seeks to maintain village infrastructure to efficiently serve the public health and safety needs of village residents and community visitors.  With respect to Street Infrastructure:  Public street surfaces should be safe, drivable, and satisfactory to street users.

Performance measures.  Identify and define each of your performance measures by category below: 

Output (workload),
Efficiency measures, and
Outcome (effectiveness) measures

For each measure, identify the beginning measurement (if a starting measurement is available to you).  Stated differently, identify an existing baseline figure that you are starting from.  Also, note your data sources – where performance measures will come from (if you have identified a source).

Having two or more measures for efficiency and outcome is valuable if they can be identified. 

Performance management plan.  In your plan identify the following kinds of planning points.

Timing and sequence for informing and working with the village governing board regarding your plan.
Timing and sequence for informing and working with the Village Street foreman regarding your plan.
Indicate how frequently you will report on each of your performance measures.
Indicate what changes in measures/indicators you will look at (increases, decreases, etc.), what changes (increases, decreases, etc.) in measures/indicators might raise concerns, and what kinds of changes would be considered favorable.
If needed, indicate what additional information you will need to collect to complete your plan.
Suggest at least two important criteria in selecting other local governments to compare your performance information with.  The criteria can be about the local government or the information/indicators that you would be comparing.

 Please use a copy of the table below or make one like it to organize your measures information as a part of your response.  You may not have the information you need for each table cell, just indicate that.  For example, if you are uncertain where you will find data (from the village or other sources) for a particular measure- just indicate that. Feel free to change the size of your table, etc. to meet your needs, but use this general framework.


Measure Category
Data Source
Data Collection and Reporting Frequency





Summer Street Maintenance

Multi-year Summer Street Maintenance Costs – Village of Typical New, York

Operating Expenditure

Street- Central Garage -Operating

Street Department Personnel

Street Improvement (Chips)

Allocated Clerk-Treasurer Costs
$ 5,535.96
$ 5,303.66
$ 5,404.45
$ 5,499.99

Total Streets – operating

Capital And Debt Service

Debt Service – Street Department Truck

Transfers to Capital Projects

Employee Benefits

Total Employee Benefits

Total Expenditures

Total Expenditures Per Mile

4 Year Average Expenditures Per Mile

Village Street

Multi-year Street Department Costs – Village of Typical New, York

Annual Percent Change

Operating Expenditure

Street- Central Garage -Operating

Street Department Personnel

Street Improvement (Chips)


Snow Removal – Materials

Off-Street Parking -Non-Personnel

Parks/Recreation -Non-Personnel

Trees – Non-Personnel

Total Streets – operating

Capital And Debt Service

Debt Service – Street Department Truck

Transfers to Capital Projects

Employee Benefits

State Retirement

Social Security (Village Share)

Workers Compensation Insurance

Unemployment Insurance

Medical Insuance (Village Share)

Total Employee Benefits

Total Expenditures

less parks and rec, off street parking

Total Expenditures Per Mile

4 Year Average Expenditures Per Mile

Total per mile revised

4 Year Average Expenditures Per Mile revised

Clerk- Treasurer

Multi-year Costs -Various Departments – Village of Typical New, York


$ 70,485
$ 67,527
$ 68,811
$ 70,027

Four Year

Total Expenditures by Deparment


Police Department
$ 395,754
$ 416,253
$ 423,784
$ 448,959

Fire Department
$ 211,685
$ 192,471
$ 218,161
$ 227,076

Street Department


Street Percent of Total


Clerk Treasurer Costs Allocated to Streets
$ 36,906.37
$ 35,357.74
$ 36,029.69
$ 36,666.58

Revised Total Street Department Costs

(including Clerk-Treasurer Allocation)

Revised Expenditures Per Mile

Four year average expnditures per mile

Revised total from previous page

revised with clerk treasurer

revised per mile

revised 4 year average

Expenditure Definitions

Operating Expenditure
Expense Description

Street- Central Garage -Operating
Routine operating costs for the street department garage, including: utilities, trash removal, cleaning, etc.

Street Department Personnel
The payroll costs for regular full-time and part-time street department employees.

Street Improvement (Chips)
Expenditures for major street improvements, primarily street repaving

Snow Removal – Materials
The cost of salt and sand for winter street maintenance services

Off-Street Parking -Non-Personnel
The cost for parking striping, and other personnel and contractual to maintain village parking lots

Parks/Recreation -Non-Personnel
The non-personnel costs of operating and maintaining village parks

Trees – Non-Personnel
The materials and contractual costs of maintaining and planting trees adjacent to village streets.

Total Streets – operating
The total of the above expense categories

Capital And Debt Service

Debt Service – Street Department Truck
Cost of current principal and interest payments on street truck loans or other debt instruments

Transfers to Capital Projects
The transfer of amounts for future street capital projects

Employee Benefits

State Retirement
Payments for the village portion of payments to the state retirement system for street department employees

Social Security (Village Share)
Payments to the Social Security Administration for retirement benefits for street department employees

Workers Compensation Insurance
Annual insurance payments for workers compensation

Unemployment Insurance
Annual payments for unemployment insurance

Medical Insurance (Village Share)
Payments for the village portion of payments for street department employee health insurance

Total Employee Benefits
The total for employee benefit items list above

Total Expenditures
The combined total for all expenditures listed above



Cornell Local Roads Program

Summer 2017

Robert Schumacher and George DeWitt

Dutchess County Department of Public Works:

Engineering Division

626 Dutchess Turnpike

Poughkeepsie, NY 12603

Village of Typical

As part of Dutchess County’s initiative to evaluate all of its Local Highway Inventory, the

roads within your municipality have been surveyed. An Excel Spreadsheet containing this data

has been attached as well as an overview of the survey process and project parameters, and an

analysis of your road data.

Each road has a Road Identification Number (RIN) which is that road’s New York State

issued DOT ID followed by a dash and its section number. The sections are generally broken up

by intersections, jurisdiction lines, or pavement change. Road sections are numbered from the

beginning to the end of the road, not restarting when changing municipality. Some sections of

road have been updated with new data as to where sections begin and end, or surface type

changes. This was typically caused by incorrect New York State data, or the paving of dirt and

concrete roads. In some municipalities, there were public roads or sections of roads that

existed but were not listed in the New York State’s Local Highway Inventory (NYSLHI). These

roads were given a unique RIN ranging from 1-98 as opposed to the typical 6 digit RIN provided

by the NYSLHI.

Each section of road is rated on severity and frequency of alligator cracks, longitudinal

and transverse cracks, rutting, edge cracking, severity of bleeding and raveling, drainage issues,

roughness, and frequency of potholes or poor patching. These factors are what give each road

section a Pavement Condition Index (PCI). All roads have been rated on the same criteria so

these PCIs were obtained fairly and objectively. Only public asphalt roads within your

municipality’s jurisdiction have been rated. Roads that are concrete, unpaved, private, do not

have ratings. Surface ID’s of roads are as follows Asphalt 4, Concrete 5, and Unpaved 2.

The PCI assigns a numerical value to the condition of the road. These values range from

8 to 94, with 94 being a newly paved road and 8 being a road that is deteriorated beyond repair

and in need of complete reconstruction. These values can be used to compare the condition of

the roads, and decide which are in greatest need of repair.

Common abbreviations used in the database are Does Not Exist (DNE), To Be

Constructed (TBC), and To Be Finished (TBF). DNE and TBC roads were not scored and TBF roads

were scored if there was enough road surface completed to be rated.

RIN Name From_Road To_Road Begin End Length Width Lanes Traffic Importance Survey_Date PCI Notes

186590-01 ARNETT RD NORTH PARK RD KNOLLWOOD RD 0 0.2 0.2 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 76 Village of Typical 186590-02 ARNETT RD KNOLLWOOD RD SUNSET RD 0.2 0.28 0.08 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 78 Village of Typical 186591-01 ASHER RD MILL ST HUNTINGTON RD 0 0.08 0.08 10 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 94 Village of Typical 186591-02 ASHER RD HUNTINGTON RD ROCKEFELLER LA 0.08 0.12 0.04 10 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 94 Village of Typical 186592-01 ASTOR DR MONTGOMERY ST VILLAGE LINE 0 0.25 0.25 10 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 69 Village of Typical 186593-01 BEECH ST SOUTH ST EAST MARKET ST 0 0.05 0.05 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 73 Village of Typical 186593-02 BEECH ST EAST MARKET ST LIVINGSTON ST 0.05 0.14 0.09 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 90 Village of Typical 186593-03 BEECH ST LIVINGSTON ST CHESTNUT ST 0.14 0.22 0.08 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 90 VVillage of Typical 186594-01 CENTER ST SOUTH ST EAST MARKET ST 0 0.09 0.09 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 73 VVillage of Typical 186594-02 CENTER ST EAST MARKET ST LIVINGSTON ST 0.09 0.18 0.09 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 72 Village of Typical 186595-01 CHESTNUT ST MONTGOMERY ST MULBERRY ST 0 0.26 0.26 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 74 Village of Typical 186595-02 CHESTNUT ST MULBERRY ST PARSONAGE ST 0.26 0.37 0.11 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 70 Village of Typical 186595-03 CHESTNUT ST PARSONAGE ST BEECH ST 0.37 0.48 0.11 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 85 Village of Typical 186595-04 CHESTNUT ST BEECH ST CROSMOUR RD 0.48 0.61 0.13 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 88 Village of Typical 186596-01 CLOSS DR MILL ST VILLAGE LINE 0 0.05 0.05 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 83 Village of Typical 186597-01 COZINE AVE KNOLLWOOD RD SOMERS DR 0 0.12 0.12 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 72 Village of Typical 186598-01 CRAMER RD VERNA RD ORCHARD ST 0 0.18 0.18 0 2 1 1 7-Jun-17 78 Village of Typical 186598-02 CRAMER RD ORCHARD ST MONTGOMERY ST 0.18 0.22 0.04 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 83 Village of Typical 186599-01 CROSMOUR DR EAST MARKET ST CROSMOUR DR 0 0.24 0.24 10 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 65 Village of Typical 186600-01 CROSMOUR RD CHESTNUT ST CROSMOUR DR 0 0.03 0.03 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 86 Village of Typical 186600-02 CROSMOUR RD CROSMOUR DR CUL DE SAC 0.03 0.24 0.21 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 82 Village of Typical 186601-01 CROWELL AVE HUNTINGTON RD ROCKEFELLER LA 0 0.08 0.08 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 76 Village of Typical 186602-01 GARDEN ST WEST MARKET ST WEST CHESTNUT 0 0.1 0.1 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 74 Village of Typical 186602-02 GARDEN ST WEST CHESTNUT DEAD END 0.1 0.14 0.04 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 74 Village of Typical 186603-01 HUNTINGTON RD ASHER RD CROWELL AVE 0 0.15 0.15 10 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 79 Village of Typical 186603-02 HUNTINGTON RD CROWELL AVE VIOLET PL 0.15 0.21 0.06 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 87 Village of Typical 186603-03 HUNTINGTON RD VIOLET PL SO PARSONAGE S 0.21 0.27 0.06 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 86 Village of Typical 186604-01 KNOLLWOOD RD SO PARSONAGE S ARNET RD 0 0.06 0.06 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 90 Village of Typical 186604-02 KNOLLWOOD RD ARNET RD MANOR RD 0.06 0.12 0.06 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 92 Village of Typical 186604-03 KNOLLWOOD RD MANOR RD COZINE AVE 0.12 0.18 0.06 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 92 Village of Typical 186604-04 KNOLLWOOD RD COZINE AVE SOMERS DR 0.18 0.26 0.08 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 92 Village of Typical 186604-05 KNOLLWOOD RD SOMERS DR VILLAGE LINE 0.26 0.45 0.19 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 87 Village of Typical 186605-01 LIVINGSTON ST MONTGOMERY ST CENTER ST 0 0.17 0.17 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 79 Village of Typical 186605-02 LIVINGSTON ST CENTER ST MULBERRY ST 0.17 0.26 0.09 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 74 Village of Typical 186605-03 LIVINGSTON ST MULBERRY ST PARSONAGE ST 0.26 0.36 0.1 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 88 Village of Typical 186605-04 LIVINGSTON ST PARSONAGE ST BEECH ST 0.36 0.47 0.11 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 88 Village of Typical 186605-05 LIVINGSTON ST BEECH ST DEAD END 0.47 0.51 0.04 10 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 82 Village of Typical 186606-01 LOCUST GROVE RD MONTGOMERY ST CUL DE SAC 0 0.24 0.24 10 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 62 Village of Typical 186607-01 LORRAINE DR CHESTNUT ST CUL DE SAC 0 0.2 0.2 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 69 Village of Typical 186608-01 MANOR RD KNOLLWOOD RD SOMERS DR 0 0.22 0.22 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 74 Village of Typical 186609-01 MILL RD MILL ST VILLAGE LINE 0 0.07 0.07 10 2 1 2 07-Jun-17 85 Village of Typical 186610-01 MILL ST VILLAGE LINE SO PARSONAGE S 0 0.1 0.1 10 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 66 Village of Typical 186610-02 MILL ST SO PARSONAGE S MILL RD 0.1 0.3 0.2 0 2 1 1 7-Jun-17 78 Village of Typical 186611-01 MONTGOMERY ST US 9 VILLAGE LINE 0 0.5 0.5 0 2 1 1 07-Jun-17 66 Village of Typical 186612-01 MULBERRY ST SOUTH ST EAST MARKET ST 0 0.08 0.08 0 2 1 1 7-Jun-17 74 Village of Typical 186612-02 MULBERRY ST EAST MARKET ST LIVINGSTON ST 0.08 0.17 0.09 0 2 1 1 7-Jun-17 74 Village of Typical 186612-03 MULBERRY ST LIVINGSTON ST CHESTNUT ST 0.17 0.25 0.08 0 2 1 1 7-Jun-17 81 Village of Typical 186612-04 MULBERRY ST CHESTNUT ST PLATT AVE 0.25 0.39 0.14 0 2 1 1 7-Jun-17 72 Village of Typical

RIN Name From_Road To_Road Begin End Length Width Lanes Traffic Importance Survey_Date PCI Notes

186612-05 MULBERRY ST PLATT AVE FAIRGROUNDS GA 0.39 0.57 0.18 0 2 1 1 7-Jun-17 84 Village of Typical 186612-06 MULBERRY ST FAIRGROUNDS GA FAIRGROUNDS RD 0.57 0.67 0.1 0 2 1 1 7-Jun-17 92 Village of Typical 186613-01 NORTH PARK RD VIOLET PL SO PARSONAGE S 0 0.05 0.05 0 2 1 1 7-Jun-17 80 Village of Typical 186613-02 NORTH PARK RD SO PARSONAGE S ARNET RD 0.05 0.11 0.06 0 2 1 1 7-Jun-17 82 Village of Typical 186614-01 OAK ST WEST MARKET ST WEST CHESTNUT 0 0.18 0.18 10 2 1 1 7-Jun-17 81 Village of Typical 186614-02 OAK ST WEST CHESTNUT DEAD END 0.18 0.2 0.

The post This case builds on the Village of Typical cost analysis case completed earlier in the semester. ?This exercise focuses on the development of performance measures and management f first appeared on Writeden.


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