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Utilizing everything we have thus far read (i.e., Cajetan and Luther), attempt to reconstruct the fundamental arguments between the two in dialogue format. Be sure to accurately represent each side

Purpose: This assignment will challenge you to analyze, reconstruct, and adjudicate the debates between Luther and Cajetan.

Instructions: Utilizing everything we have thus far read (i.e., Cajetan and Luther), attempt to reconstruct the fundamental arguments between the two in dialogue format. Be sure to accurately represent each side and to include their central points without plagiarizing or quoting at length. Once you have done that, you should attempt to adjudicate which arguments are more correct or true to reality and revelation.


Luther: I have enumerated the grave errors of the whore of Babylon, the Church of the Pope of Rome, and the antichrist, in my 95 theses.Cajetan: But thesis 1 misrepresents the Church’s teaching on x because . . . Luther: You are sorely mistaken, oh high Cardinal. The Church solemnly declared y. . . Cajetan: But you misunderstand the declaration y because it clearly means . . .  

Submission Instructions:

The submission must be formatted thus: double-spaced, Times New Roman, font 12, 1-inch margins, no spaces between paragraphs, no section headings or subtitles, and no more than eight total lines of quoted material (e.g., you may have four quotes that are each approximately two lines or two quotes that are three lines each and one that’s two lines…).The dialogue is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.The dialogue should be formatted per current CMOS and 3-5 pages in length. You will automatically lose points if these limits are not followed.Reference each of the lecture materials at least one time, formatted in current CMOS.

Utilizing everything we have thus far read (i.e., Cajetan and Luther), attempt to reconstruct the fundamental arguments between the two in dialogue format. Be sure to accurately represent each side
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