Watch the short film A House in Oakland, then interpret it from the macro-sociological perspective using Conflict Theory and Functionalism and the micro-sociological perspective using Symbolic Interactionism.
Assignment Specifics
Resp’ond to the questions below in 350 wor’ds.
Macrosociology: What systems, institutions, organizations, processes, or procedures are represented in the video?
Functionalism: What is the function or purpose of the system, institution, organization, or process represented?
Conflict Theory: Which social groups are competing over resources in the video? Which group has power and how is power represented?
Microsociology: What type of interactions occur among people represented in the video?
Symbolic Interactionism: What meaning do the symbols and language represented in the video have on thinking and behavior?
Your response should be 350 wor’ds (do not submit under 300 wor’ds, but do not exceed 400 wor’ds).
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