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Week One Assignment

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Week One Assignment

Assessment iconJournal (private 2 pages)


Part. I. Watch the short 10-min video The Danger of a Single Story (Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie) and the Kimberle Crenshaw’s talk on “Intersectionality.”


Part II. This week’s journal entry asks the question: Why does media representation matter? Why is it important to not tell a single story or one that is limited in representational scope as discussed in both of these videos? What is your personal view? Have you framed yourself or others with a single story, and if so how? These journal entries are meant as an opportunity to go more in-depth and to utilize two of the readings and information. Please feel free to answer candidly while using credible, academic research to support your insights and beliefs. Also, interweave examples and cite from at least two of the readings, or another chapter in the textbook that is relevant, and material from both of the videos. Use APA citation style and list references.


10-Min Cut: The Danger Of A Single Story | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Duration: 19:00 min




Professor Kimberlé Crenshaw Defines Intersectionality


Duration: 18:50


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