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Discussion Post 1:

Create a 300-350 word discussion post answering the following questions: Why is Military History a valuable discipline to study? 

What other social science fields should a military historian consider when studying a specific battle?

(Social Science fields: Psychology, Economics, Political Science, Humanities, Cultural/Ethnicity, Religion, Government/Diplomacy, Law/Criminal Justice, Geography, Anthropology, Linguistics and Education)

Why is the study of Military History valuable to the discipline and field of History?

Here are a few videos from leading Military Historians answering the above questions..this is their perspective, you may not agree with their reasoning, but by listening to their views on the subject, one may understand the perspective and reasoning for why these historians write about military history.

You must use the following article to help you answer the questions: 

https://www.armyupress.army.mil/Portals/7/combat-studies-institute/csi-books/Guidet-Study-Military-History.pdf (ONLY THE FIRST 18 PAGES)

It is essential for students to provide cites and footnotes for their work. Citations must adhere to the Chicago Manual of Style format but perfection is not expected. In addition to providing specific examples to support and illustrate their answers, students need to include analysis and interpretation (discussion) of their answer.


Discussion Post 2:

Create a 300-350 word discussion post. Having read the difference between political science and political commentary, apply that knowledge to two recent news articles (from within the last four weeks).

1) Find a report that applies political science to a current issue and explain why the information is political science. 2) Find a report of political commentary on the same issue and explain why it is not political science.

There may be some crossover, such political scientists giving their opinions on issues, so be mindful if a report is trying to objectively explain an event or make a politically persuasive argument. For example, in 2016, one of every eleven voters who supported Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primaries defected from the Democrats and voted for Donald Trump. A political science study might examine why they did this or how it affected the final vote totals. Political commentary might explain why they were wrong or right to do this.

Take the following into consideration and use it for reference: https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2017/entries/aristotle-politics/


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