You can make up the experience, Based on the Screenshot above.
Respond to the following questions in essay form. Use formal writing (avoid personal pronouns)
Give a 1 – 2 paragraph summary of your experiential activity (event title? what was it about? What was involved? What population is involved? What was the take-away?)
What cultural, ethnic, value or identity issue did this activity relate to? Reflect on how this identity can impact the health of individuals that represent this population.
Briefly discuss two major challenge this population faces and how that impacts their health and wellbeing? (be sure to connect this to our readings to date and support with one credible source)
Share two major lessons/take-aways you had from this experiential activity? And how this will help you personally and professionally.
How did the activity impact you? What were your thoughts/feelings during the event?
How can this event could be used to raise awareness of the lived experience and/or the issues this population faces? include who should attend and why
If you had the opportunity to complete this assignment again, would your activity selection be different? Why or why not?
Provide a discussion prompt for your peers to respond to
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