· Word count: 1500-1700 words
· You may want to include graphics to make your reasoning a more visual and explicative
· The in-text References and the Bibliography have to be in Harvard’s citation style.
· Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded of the total wordcount.
· It assesses the following learning outcomes:
· Explore key economic theories, models, and trends, and how they impact decision making processes at different levels, vis-s-vis, micro, macro and international.
· Analyze the functioning of the market and the role of business in the international arena.
· Interpret various economic indicators across different levels of analysis.
· Develop lines of arguments linking theories and evidence on global issues.
· Communicate in an analytical way how business, nations and international economic settings are intertwined.
· a versatile and inclusive
The overall aim of this case study is to analyze the international business strategy of a company of your choice (preferably from your country or from a country that you know well).
1. Critically analyze the recent economic performance (since 2000) of your country. You should use the following indicators.
a. GDP and Trade to GDP since 2000.
b. Inflation since 2000
c. Currency and exchange rate against euro (or dollar. Has this country a floating exchange rate? Briefly compare the different exchange rate regimes.
Also put in mind to look at data.worldbank.org and world trade organization and oec.world
d. What are the leading exports and imports of this country in terms of value?
– Is there a pattern? That is, in what kinds of goods does it look like the country might have a comparative advantage?
– Which trading partners are most important to this country? This can be measured in terms
of total exports, total imports, or total exports plus imports.
– Which countries have the largest trade deficits and trade surpluses with this country?
Recommended data source:
The WTO has extensive data on country trade and tariffs. Their main statistics page is: https://www.wto.org/english/res_e/statis_e/statis_e.htm. Their useful publication, Trade Profiles, is linked to that page or you can find it directly at: https://www.wto.org/english/res_e/publications_e/trade_profiles20_e.htm.
2. Critically analyse the market structure of the industry in which your selected firm operates. To describe the market structure, your report must address the following questions:
– Provide performance details on your selected firm, key data and financial information.
– What type of market structure does your industry resemble? (e.g. Perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, monopoly).
You must support and justify your answers.
3. Explain the international strategy of the company using one of the models studied in this course.
iv. Provide an evaluation of potential strategies for the firm that will enable them to overcome the potential challenges.
Be lookimg at model and trade theories
(the country will be united states and the company will be nike)
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